This map contains information about Senior Centers located throughout the City of San Antonio.
Click on any red square icon to find out more about a location.
Click the 'Hours and Details' link to go to the Senior Center website for
additonal information.
Use the 'Search by Address' locator in the right hand corner to find Senior Centers near a specific address. Example: 100 N MAIN AVE
Using Standard Map Features
On the left of the screen, click the "+" button to zoom in on the map,
click the "-" button to zoom out.
To find your current location, click the find my Location button.
Click the Basemap button to switch between Streets or Hybrid view.
Export a List of Locations
Export a list of locations, in CSV format, by clicking here
Additional Help
For additional Downloadable Maps, Interactive Maps, or GIS Data please visit the City of San Antonio GIS (Geographic Information Services website)